
Learning German in Iraq

A brochure from the Goethe Institute.
© DAAD Erbil

Countless reasons to learn German exist. There is no need to list these here; it’s enough to say that German language skills can open many doors. German is one of the leading academic languages. By learning the German language, you can improve your quality of life, both professionally and privately. It is, of course, possible to embark on academic studies in Germany without having any knowledge of German, but if you are able to use German to make yourself understood in Germany, your daily life will be considerably easier. 

In the event that you would like to attend professional German courses or take a language proficiency test recognised in Germany, then you are advised to contact the Goethe Institute in Iraq. Here, you can take language courses aligned to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1–C1).

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